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Capture the Gold

January, in the children's book world, is awards season. The American Library Association meets on the 3rd Monday to announce its Youth Media Awards. You may have heard of the big ones: The Newbery, The Caldecott, the Coretta Scott King. There's a slew of other amazing awards, highlighting some of the best books from the previous year.  Here are the nominees for the AEAB Awards for Best Picture Book. It's also a time when folks in the children's book world make their predictions about what might win the next award. The process for determining who gets the gold award vs the honor/silver awards is a bit complicated so we'll hold off on that for now. But if you are curious about who other book bloggers think will take home the awards, here are some of my favorites to follow! Travis Jonker, who taught me all about " Undies ", predicts his winners for Caldecott (illustrations). Mr. Schu  and Colby Sharp and their Mock Caldecott. Anderson's Bookshop also do...

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los angeles17 independent book store16 newbery award16 dance saturday15 jon klassen15 teaching15 resolutions14 Oliver Jeffers13 eric carle13 mo willems13 kate dicamillo12 jon scieszka11 ala awards10 caldecott award10 summer reading10 twelve days of christmas10 author visits9 mac barnett9 mas9 summer9 twelve days of books9 gabriel garcia marquez8 hunger games8 local bookstore7 new year7 porter square books7 Hammock Summer6 alice's adventures in wonderland6 black history month6 books6 children's literature6 dance6 diversity6 france6 friday6 jef czekaj6 library haul6 michael jackson6 picture books6 popsicles6 shel silverstein6 tony diterlizzi6 we need diverse books6 Mr. Nuthall5 Nikolas James Pumpkinhead5 alice ever after5 alice ever after books5 christian robinson5 erin e. stead5 goals5 halloween5 i love boston5 i spy5 john green5 kadir nelson5 knitting5 lois lowry5 love5 may5 monthly check in5 moon over manifest5 philip christian stead5 poetry5 Horn Book4 Margaret Wise Brown4 a sick day for amos mcgee4 april4 awards4 buffalo4 children's book week4 chris raschka4 chris van allsburg4 clare vanderpool4 daniel handler4 december4 e.b.white4 eric carle museum4 extra yarn4 guest review4 happy birthday4 hip hop4 june4 kindergarten4 knitting for baby4 la times festival of books4 lemony snicket4 march madness4 melissa sweet4 middle grade books4 nate4 nonfiction4 peter pan4 reese witherspoon4 sherman alexie4 sick day4 skylight books4 storytelling4 suzanne collins4 thanksgiving4 twitter4 vromans4 washington dc4 winnie the pooh4 wonder4 yoga4 Alice3 Daniel Salmieri3 a prince in peril3 a.a. milne3 aapi3 aapi heritage month3 alaska3 alex latimer3 alice in wonderland3 alice liddell3 alice's day3 alphabet3 ame dyckman3 anita silvey3 august events3 baby books3 books are better3 books with a soundtrack3 boston book festival3 boston public library3 caldecott medal3 catching fire3 celebs as authors3 children's bookstore3 covid 193 curious george3 dancin in france3 david sedaris3 dr. seuss3 dream come true3 e.e. cummings3 friends3 funny books3 grandpa meg3 hats3 i want my hat back3 jack gantos3 jacqueline woodson3 katherine applegate3 katherine hannigan3 keone &mari3 knuffle bunny3 lane smith3 marla frazee3 mary oliver3 maurice sendak3 micheltorena garden3 mike mulligan3 mockingjay3 mother's day3 mrs. nelson's3 neverland3 norton juster3 november3 on writing3 owl moon3 paris3 raina telgemeier3 roald dahl3 robin russell3 salmagundi3 shadow3 simmons college3 sister dance3 snow day3 teachers write3 the fault in our stars3 this is not my hat3 tomie depaolo3 valentine's day3 william carlos williams3 wordless3 13 words2 20122 BIPOC2 Heart and the Bottle2 The Hueys2 Wonderland2 YA2 a tree grows in brooklyn2 adam rubin2 alma and how she got her name2 andrea beaty2 aristotle and dante2 audrey hepburn2 aunt julie2 b is for books2 back to school2 back to school book lists2 barbara cooney2 bart's bookstore2 be brave2 beautiful bookstores2 blurred lines2 book spine poetry2 book-a-day almanac2 books and ice cream2 books that change your life2 books that make us laugh2 bookstores2 brian selznick2 brookline booksmith2 bryan collier2 carson ellis2 charles darwin2 charlotte's web2 children's stories in the garden2 choreo cookies2 collecting2 comet in moominland2 coretta scott king award2 coronavirus2 cynthia rylant2 dads2 dave the potter2 david shannon2 dead end in norvelt2 dinosaurs2 dj kool herc2 ducks2 elephant and piggie2 emotions2 end of summer vacation2 events2 expeditionary learning2 facebook2 fall in love2 father's day2 february2 feelings2 fredrik backman2 fresh prince2 garden2 gather here2 go the fuck to sleep2 goodnight moon2 grandmothers2 graphic novels2 hammock2 hammocks2 happy 30th birthday jessie2 happy thanksgiving2 harvard book store2 heart and soul2 here's what's up2 home is where the heart is2 hueys2 hugo2 i mom so hard2 indestructibles2 indiebound2 irene smalls2 janelle monáe2 january2 judy blume2 julián is a mermaid2 kamala harris2 knuckleheads2 lake street dive2 leveled books2 lewis carroll2 literacy2 little owl's orange scarf2 lorem ipsum2 love letters2 madeline2 maria popova2 matt de la pena2 michael franti2 michaela goade2 michelle obama2 mirrors and windows2 mister dog2 moonwalk2 morris micklethwite and the tangerine dress2 motorcycles2 music2 my epic summer of reading2 nate howe adventure fund2 national poetry month2 new mom2 nikki giovanni2 noah barleywater runs away2 october events2 oge mora2 ojai2 oldest dab2 oliver2 once upon a time2 one and only ivan2 overcoming adversity2 overcoming loss2 pan munoz ryan2 parov stelar2 patricia polacco2 peter brown2 picture book collections2 pippi longstocking2 pirates2 politics and prose2 rainbow rowell2 rainy days2 rick riordan2 rita williams-garcia2 road trip2 robert mccloskey2 rosemary vohs2 run yoga2 running2 scotland2 scott magoon2 september2 shane w. evans2 shared tables2 silvia borando2 sisters2 smile2 snowflake bentley2 snowy day2 soul mate books2 spring2 stars2 stop asian hate2 students2 summer of love2 suzy lee2 swan boats2 taye diggs2 teacher appreciation week2 teaching rocks2 technology2 thank you mr. falker2 the book thief2 the children's bookshop2 the new celebrity2 the very hungry caterpillar2 tove jansson2 travis jonker2 uglies2 upstream2 vacation2 walter and the night owls2 wave2 weekend2 where the wild things are2 where's waldo2 why we broke up2 women's history month2 wonderstruck2 world book night2 young adult fiction2 youth media awards2 yuyi morales2 #getbehindpicturebooks1 100001 12 days of christmas1 12x121 200001 20151 20181 20221 24 hours of happy1 295 parkside1 300001 4th grade1 5th grade1 60th anniversary1 6th grade1 80s prom1 A Cup O' Jo1 A Family of Readers1 Adam Rex1 Adidas RunBase1 Bread and Jam for Francis1 Cecil the Pet Glacier1 Chloe and the Lion1 Cinderella story1 Dragons1 Dragons Love Tacos1 Ever After1 Fairies and Magical Creatures1 GAB1 Golden Egg1 Helena Bonham Carter1 Henri's Walk to Paris1 I don't want to be a pea1 It's a Book1 John1 Kai Cheng Thom1 Kai Yun Ching and Wai-Yant Li1 Keith Baker1 King Island Christmas1 Leonore Klein1 Lillian Hoban LMNO Peas1 MG1 Maria tatar1 Matthea Harvey1 More1 Once Upon Alaska1 Robert Sabuda1 Russell Hoban1 Saul Bass1 Tell me a tattoo story1 The Spider and the fly1 This Moose Belongs to Me1 a ball for daisy1 a better place1 a call for a new alphabet1 a child's garden of verses1 a life without music1 a long walk to water1 a part of my own world1 a river of words1 a smile for everyone1 a voyage in the clouds1 a whole new world1 a-z of dance1 a.w. flaherty1 aaron becker1 aaron reynolds1 abrams appleseed1 abuela1 action jackson1 adam mansbach1 adirondacks1 adorkable1 adventure buddy1 adx1 afton1 age 131 age 31 age 41 age 81 ages 6 to 101 airports1 al capone does my shirts1 albertine1 alexander and the wind-up mouse1 alice ever after book awards1 aliceeverafter.com1 alison oliver1 alive1 all abilities1 all the water in the world1 all types of families1 alligator1 allison black1 along a long road1 along the river1 alphabet book1 alphabet books1 alphablock1 amanda gorman1 amazing feats1 amel larrieux1 amelia earhart1 america1 america's test kitchen1 amy wu1 an early american christmas1 anastasia krupnik1 and ben1 and howe1 and tango makes three1 andhowe1 andhoweknits1 andrew smith1 angela brooksbank1 animals1 ann bonwill1 ann patchett1 anna dewdney1 announcements1 anthony valadez1 anti-racism1 anton chekhov1 aoife o donovan1 app1 april fools1 argentina1 argument1 art1 art from her heart1 arthur dorros1 articles1 ashton place1 aston1 atinuke1 atk kids1 aunt meg1 aurora borealis1 authors as celebs1 aux-en-provence1 avignon1 axel scheffler1 azonto1 b is for baby1 baby stuff1 back to the future1 bad1 bad news for outlaws1 ballard c. boyd1 balloon wrangler1 balloons over broadway1 basketball1 basquiat1 bass reeves1 batdance batmusic1 bath1 battle bunny1 be a reader1 be kind1 be more awesome1 bear pond books1 bedtime1 bee1 bee the change1 beekle1 beer1 before the ever after1 belle starr music festival1 belpre award1 benjamin alire sàenz1 benjamin chaud1 berenstain bears1 berklee gospel and roots choir1 best behavior series1 best night ever1 better late than never1 betty smith1 beyonce1 beyoncealwaysonbeat1 big bear hug1 big feelings1 big message1 bink and gollie1 birthday1 birthdays1 black lives matter1 black widow1 blizzard1 blogging1 board books1 bob raczka1 bob shea1 bobbie carle1 book art1 book aunt1 book clubs1 book dream come true1 book lists1 book subscription1 books addressing disabilities1 books for race1 books from the future1 books of wonder1 books that inspire1 books that will change your life1 bookshelf1 bookstore1 boomerangs1 booty swing1 boris and bella1 boy + bot1 boy books1 brackets1 brain pickings1 brattle book shop1 brave potatoes1 breakfast club1 brian floca1 brilliant books for babies1 bruce hale1 brunch1 buffalo public library1 bullying1 bumble-ardy1 bumps1 bus stops1 business cards1 busy1 butterflies in the sky1 by the great horn spoon1 byron barton1 c2c1 cambridge1 camping1 candlewick1 cant wait1 caps for sale1 car1 cara gilman1 carl hiaasen1 carla fernandez1 carle honors1 carmela full of wishes1 carole lindstrome1 cat secrets1 cathy ann johnson1 celebrate nate1 celebration on a sick day1 centre street cafe1 changes1 charlene chua1 charles river1 charles stafford1 charlestown1 charlie1 charlie and the chocolate factory1 charlie chaplin1 charlie parker played be bop1 check out bpl1 cheers1 chess1 chet gecko1 chicka chicka boom boom1 chicken big1 chicken little1 children's book illustrators1 children's book world1 childrens books1 chocolate me1 chris haughton1 christine baldacchino1 christopher franceschelli1
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