"Books became her friends..."
Some fun and exciting things are happening in my book world. I have had a lot more people asking me about the store, for book recommendations, and I even had the opportunity to read through a story that someone is trying to get published! I should have started this adventure years ago!
While I am waiting for my copy of Mockingjay I have been reading...a grown-up book! (Shocking, I know.) My grown-up book tastes tend to steer toward magical realism (think Gabriel Garcia Marquez) and the classics. I am currently reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. Love, love, love this book and not so surprising why. It is told from the perspective of a young girl growing up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Of course the first grown-up book I read in months is about kids! As I was reading the other night I read the chapter when Francie, the main character learns how to read. Of course. Lots of love for books and little kids these days!

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