Summer Dragons
Meg is back in Boston! Hurrah! To celebrate her return and the return of the red hot summer heat, here's two books that feature dragons. One ("Chloe and the Lion") Meg told me about over the phone after meeting the author in LA, and it was also recommended by my friend Katherine and her daughter Chloe. The other book I can't wait to find out if Meg's already seen. It's a good one, and already a hit at bedtime!
Mac Barnett's book "Chloe and the Lion"- is not quite about dragons,
although it almost was. The author and illustrator (Adam Rex) disagree about what
is cooler...dragons or lions, and the fight plays out in the book.
Parents will find this hilarious even if it is a little over small children's heads. But they'll get it someday and by the time they are in school, it will help them understand the important roles of the author, illustrator, and characters to make a book work. I especially love how the illustrators set up the book so it looks like the set of an elementary school play.
A new favorite around our house—makes us all giggle—"Dragons Love Tacos" by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri. This
book is a must read for anyone thinking about throwing a party for
dragons. It contains important warnings about dragons and hot can imagine what might happen here. The idea of either an accordion or charade themed dragon party always hits my funny spot no matter how many times I read this book.
Parents will find this hilarious even if it is a little over small children's heads. But they'll get it someday and by the time they are in school, it will help them understand the important roles of the author, illustrator, and characters to make a book work. I especially love how the illustrators set up the book so it looks like the set of an elementary school play.
More summer reading coming soon!
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