To Be, or Not to Be?

Work is dominating my life right now and I am certainly not complaining but man, do I need a rest. I am also taking a course in Special Education as I attempt yet another certification and the work load is definitely making sure my brain is scattered at most hours of the day. So I am taking a break from some work because I needed a little mind rest.
Yesterday, as I flopped into bed, I realized that my Alice, Ever After anniversary came and went last week and I didn't even notice. So I sat down and considered whether or not I should keep good ol' Alice going anymore. I won't put you through my not-so-important-but-slightly-existential internal conversation because that is definitely what I don't have time to do right now and you don't want to hear it anyway.
I haven't fully decided what to do, but I did need to take a two minute break and tell you one book update. That is, after all, what this website is about.
So here it is. I didn't go to the Boston Book Festival, I don't have any pictures from my
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