Cool Stuff
Here's a few cool things that, if you are a children's book nerd like me, you might love.
1. Mas found these amazing Where the Wild Things Are inspired clothes. Yes, please! (These are currently on sale for 40% off! Snag them by October 17!)
2. Queen Latifah playing a role in the movie version of The Tiger Rising!
I'm a mixed bag on movie adaptations of books I love. However, I'll be watching this and woooot to Queen Latifah not only starring in it, but also producing the movie.
Says Latifah,
I love the relatability of telling a story that expresses how different people deal with grief. And I particularly enjoy seeing that through the lens of children because of their active imagination. Children are very in touch with their emotions and because of that tend to be very honest.
3. Oliver Jeffers, always brilliant, always dreamy, had his wife's bite marks tattooed on his finger! In this recent interview upon the release of his new book, he revealed just how this cool tattoo came to be. *swoon*
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